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Law and Ethics In Intenstive Care 2nd

Edited by: Christopher Danbury, Christopher Newdick, Alex Ruck Keene, Carl Waldmann

ISBN13: 9780198817161
Published: September 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.00

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The practice of intensive care medicine raises multiple legal and ethical issues on a daily basis, making it increasingly difficult to know who to admit and when, at what stage invasive management should be withdrawn, and who, importantly, should decide? These profound dilemmas, already complicated in a setting of scarce resources, mandate an understanding of law and ethics for those working in intensive care medicine.

Clinically focused, this book explains the relevance of landmark rulings to aid your day-to-day decision-making. A spectrum of ethical and legal controversies in critical care are addressed to demonstrate how law and ethics affects the care available to patients and vice versa.

Discussion of conflict resolution advises the options open to you when agreement on treatment decisions or withdrawal cannot be reached. The literature and variations surrounding Do Not Attempt Resuscitation decisions are outlined to help you navigate this complex area. This edition also provides an up-to-date analysis of issues such as futility and depreciation of liberty.

Featuring contributions from leading legal and medical experts, this important reference should be read by every critical care professional.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Section A: Listening to Patients
1:Consent for Intensive Care: Public and Political Expectations vs. Conceptual and Practical Hurdles, Dominic Bell
2:Refusing and Demanding Medical Treatment in Intensive Care, Alex Ruck Keene and Zoë Fritz
3:DNAR: to Resuscitate or not to Resuscitate? Rights, Wrongs, Ethics and the Voice of the Patient, Hazel Biggs
Section B: Listening to Doctors, Parents, and Relatives
4:Spanner in the Works or Cogs in a Wheel? Parents and Decision-making for Critically Ill Young Children, Thérèse Callus
5:Adults who Lack Capacity to Consent and Deprivation of Liberty, Daniele Bryden
6:Promoting the Best Possible Death - Futility in Terminally Ill Patients Who Lack Capacity, Christopher Newdick and Christopher Danbury
7:Diagnosing Death, Dale Gardiner and Andrew McGee
Section C: External influences
8:Doing What's Best: Organ Donation and Intensive Care, John Coggon and Louise Austin
9:Conflicts of Interest, Carl Waldmann, Neil Soni, and Andrew Lawson
10:Social Media Pressures in Intensive Care, Rosaleen Baruah
11:Pandemic Planning after Covid-19, Christopher Danbury, Christopher Newdick, Alex Ruck Keene, and Carl Waldmann