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The Law and Politics of Brexit

Edited by: Federico Fabbrini

ISBN13: 9780198810438
Published: October 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £46.49

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The decision by the people of the United Kingdom to vote in a referendum in June 2016 to leave the European Union has produced shock-waves across Europe and the world.

Brexit calls into question consolidated assumptions on the finality of the EU, and simultaneously sparks new challenges. These new challenges are not only in regard of the constitutional settlements reached in the UK, notably in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but also on the future of European integration.

Now that Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union has been invoked, and the path towards full withdrawal by the UK from the EU remains clouded in uncertainties, a comprehensive legal and political analysis of how Brexit impacts on UK and the EU appears of the utmost importance.

This book brings together leading lawyers, economists and political scientists to discuss the constitutional implications of Brexit and propose possible solutions for the way forward.

The book is structured around four main themes. First, it considers how Brexit will be implemented legally and politically, in terms of the withdrawal and the possible new relations between the UK and the EU. Second, it examines the implications of Brexit on the constitutional structure of the UK, as well as on the status of Northern Ireland and the relations with the Republic of Ireland.

Third, it examines the implications of Brexit on the constitutional structure of the EU, focusing on a number of key areas of EU policy-making, notably the Area of Freedom Security and Justice, the Single Market, and Economic and Monetary Union. Fourth and finally, the book looks into the mid to long term future, and discusses the prospects for relaunching the EU after and beyond Brexit.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, EU Law, Brexit
1: Introduction, Federico Fabbrini

Part 1: Brexit: Politics, Process and Prospects
2: How Brexit Came About? The Politics of the Referendum, Kalypso Nicolaïdis
3: How Brexit will be Carried out? The Process of Withdrawal, Paul Craig
4: How can Britain Trade with the EU? The Prospects for the UK after Brexit, Giorgio Sacerdoti

Part 2: Brexit and Constitutional Change in Regional Perspective
5: Brexit and the English Question, Stephen Tierney
6: Brexit and the Scottish Question, Sionaidh Douglas-Scott
7: Brexit and the Northern Irish Question, John Doyle

Part 3: Brexit and Constitutional Change in European Perspective
8: Brexit and the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Deirdre Curtin
9: Brexit and the EU Economic and Monetary Union, Michele Chang
10: Brexit and the EU Internal Market, Catherine Barnard

Part 4: Beyond Brexit: Relaunching the EU?
11: Brexit and Euroscepticism: Will Brexit be Emulated Elsewhere?, Marlene Wind
12: Brexit and the EU Institutional Balance of Power: Towards a new Equilibrium?, Uwe Puetter
13: Brexit and EU Treaty Reform: A Window of Opportunity?, Federico Fabbrini

Series: The Law and Politics of Brexit

The Law and Politics of Brexit, Volume V: The Trade and Cooperation Agreement ISBN 9780198908289
Published May 2024
Oxford University Press
Out of print
The Law & Politics of Brexit, Vol. IV: The Protocol on Ireland/ Northern Ireland ISBN 9780192863935
Published May 2022
Oxford University Press
The Law and Politics of Brexit, Volume III: The Framework of New EU-UK Relations (eBook) ISBN 9780192664587
Published October 2021
Oxford University Press
Out of print
The Law and Politics of Brexit, Volume III: The Framework of New EU-UK Relations ISBN 9780192848475
Published October 2021
Oxford University Press
The Law & Politics of Brexit Volume III: The Framework of New EU-UK Relations ISBN 9780192848468
Published October 2021
Oxford University Press
The Law and Politics of Brexit, Volume II: The Withdrawal Agreement ISBN 9780198848363
Published November 2020
Oxford University Press