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Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure 16th ed

ISBN13: 9780198810414
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199655021
Published: January 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £73.00

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Designed to be a concise and accessible guide to the fundamental principles of planning law in England and Wales, Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure represents an up-to-date, practical resource for practitioners and academics in the field.

The book is organised into 21 chapters that together cover all aspects of planning law. It includes chapters on central and local administration, development plans, the meaning of development, planning permission, environmental impact assessment, enforcement, heritage protection and review by the courts. The author provides helpful directions to complementary resources, assisting the reader to build a thorough and comprehensive picture of planning law.

The sixteenth edition looks closely at developments in statute and case law that have and will continue to influence practice, including the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013; the Infrastructure Act 2015; the Housing and Planning Act 2016; the Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017; and decisions made in significant cases such as Tesco Stores v Dundee and Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes Ltd. Developments such as the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2017, the National Planning Practice Guidance, the Planning Court, and the implications of Brexit have also been added.

Written with both academics and practitioners in mind, this book is ideal for lawyers specialising in planning law, planning professionals, and students studying planning law, surveying, town planning, architecture, and environmental law.

Planning Law
1: Historical Development of Planning Law
2: Basis and Objects of Modern Planning Law
3: Central and Local Administration
4: Development Plans
5: Neighbourhood planning
6: Definition of Development
7: Planning Permission: Permitted Development
8: Planning Permission
9: Environmental Impact Assessment amd Strategic Environmental Assessment
10: Planning Permission: Further Considerations
11: Revocation or Modification of Existing Rights
12: The Enforcement of Planning Control
13: Planning Agreements, Planning Obligations, and the Community Infrastructure Levy
14: Purchase Notices and Blight Notices
15: Special Forms of Control
16: Buildings of Special Interest and Conservation Areas
17: Special Cases
18: Planning Control and the Natural Environment
19: Planning Appeals
20: Review by the Courts and the Ombudsman
21: NationallySignificant Infrastructure Planning
Schedule 3, TCPA, 1990