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A new edition was published, see:
The Oxford Handbook of Banking 3rd ed isbn 9780198824633

The Oxford Handbook of Banking 2nd ed

Edited by: Allen Berger, Philip Molyneux, John Wilson

ISBN13: 9780198802891
New Edition ISBN: 9780198824633
Published: April 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2014)
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780199688500

The Oxford Handbook of Banking, Second Edition provides an overview and analysis of developments and research in banking written by leading researchers in the field.

This handbook will appeal to graduate students of economics, banking and finance, academics, practitioners, regulators, and policy makers. Consequently, the book strikes a balance between abstract theory, empirical analysis, and practitioner, and policy-related material.

The Handbook is split into five parts. Part I, The Theory of Banking, examines the role of banks in the wider financial system, why banks exist, how they function, and their corporate governance and risk management practices.

Part II deals with Bank Operations and Performance. A range of issues are covered including bank performance, financial innovation, and technological change. Aspects relating to small business, consumer, and mortgage lending are analysed together with securitization, shadow banking, and payment systems.

Part III entitled Regulatory and Policy Perspectives discusses central banking, monetary policy transmission, market discipline, and prudential regulation and supervision.

Part IV of the book covers various Macroeconomic Perspectives in Banking. This part includes a discussion of systemic risk and banking and sovereign crises, the role of the state in finance and development as well as how banks influence real economic activity.

The final Part V examines International Differences in Banking Structures and Environments. This part of the Handbook examines banking systems in the United States, European Union, Japan, Africa, Transition countries, and the developing nations of Asia and Latin America.

Banking and Finance
1. Banking: An Overview

2. The Roles of Banks in Financial Systems
3. Commercial Banking and Shadow Banking: The Accelerating Integration of Banks and Markets and its Implications for Regulation
4. Complexity and Systemic Risk: What's Changed After the Crisis?
5. Universal Banking
6. Corporate Governance in Banking
7. Risk Management in Banking
8. Liquidity: How Banks Create it and How it should be Regulated
9. Diversification in Banking

10. Measuring the Performance of Banks: Theory, Practice, Evidence, and some Policy Implications
11. Technological Change, Financial Innovation, and Diffusion in Banking
12. Small Business Lending By Banks: Lending Technologies and the Effects of Banking Industry Consolidation and Technological Change
13. Consumer Lending
14. Residential Mortgages
15. Securitization
16. Shadow Bank Monitoring
17. Payments and Payment Systems

18. Central Banking
19. The Role of Banks in the Transmission of Monetary Policy
20. Lender of Last Resort and Bank Closure Policy: A Post-Crisis Perspective
21. Regulation and Supervision: An Ethical Perspective
22. Deposit Insurance Issues in the Post 2008 Crisis World
23. Risk-Based Regulatory Capital and the Basel Accords
24. Market Discipline in Financial Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Obstacles
25. Competition in Banking
26. Systemically Important Banks (SIBs) in the Post-Crisis Era: The Global Response and Responses Around the Globe for 135 Countries

27. Systemic Risk in Banking: An Update
28. Banking Crises: Those Hardy Perenials
29. Bank Failures, the Great Depression, and other Contagious Events
30. Sovereign Debt Crises
31. Banking Globalization: International Consolidation and Mergers in Banking
32. Revisiting the State's Role in Finance and Development
33. Banking and Real Economic Activity

34. Banking in the United States
35. Banking in the European Union: Deregulation, Crisis and Renewal
36. Banking in Japan
37. Banking in Africa
38. Banking in the Developing Nations of Asia: An Overview of Recent Changes in Ownership Structure
39. Banking in Transition Countries
40. Banking in Latin America