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A new edition was published, see:
Foster on EU Law 7th ed isbn 9780198839804

Foster on EU Law 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780198794608
New Edition ISBN: 9780198839804
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198727590
Published: July 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Nigel Foster provides a concise and clear explanation of EU law, offering an accessible entry point to the subject. Foster on EU Law offers an incisive account of the institutions and procedures of the EU alongside focused analysis of core substantive areas.

This clear two-part structure provides students with a solid foundation in the mechanisms and applications of EU law, making it an ideal text for those new to the subject or looking for a concise guide to support further study in the area.

This fully updated sixth edition includes consideration of the changes in relationship of the UK with EU law following the vote to 'Brexit', a new subchapter consolidating the coverage of human rights, and expansion of the discussion of European citizenship as a part of free movement of persons.

EU Law
Part I: Introduction to the Institutional and Procedural Law of the EU
1: The history and constitutional basis of the European Union
2: The Union institutions
3: The empowerment of the Union: transfer, division, and control of powers
4: EU law: sources, forms, and law-making
5: Supremacy of EU law
6: Ensuring EU laws are effective: remedies and Article 267 TFEU

Part II: Introduction to the Substantive Law of the EU
7: The direct jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice
8: The free movement of goods
9: The free movement of persons
10: An introduction to EU competition law and policy