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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law 4th ed isbn 9780198897323

Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780198791027
New Edition ISBN: 9780198897323
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199696413
Published: January 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £277.50

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Now in its third edition, this volume provides complete and specialized coverage of EU competition law applicable to vertical agreements, and detailed and practice-oriented analysis of the EU regulatory framework as applied the Commission and the EU courts.

The authors consider issues directly relevant in the commercial world, answering questions such as: Under what conditions may a supplier impose territorial restrictions on his dealer network?: Is it possible to impose maximum retail prices?: Are customer restrictions permissible in a selective distribution system?: Can a supplier assume an exclusive supply obligation?: Is an exclusive supply-back obligation included in a subcontracting arrangement enforceable?

The authors draw on their experience in this area of competition law to address the more complex issues relating to vertical restraints. They offer practical solutions to commercial problems and provide an indispensable tool for all practitioners in this field.

Competition Law
I. INTRODUCTION1: Introduction

3: Article 2(1): Scope of application of Regulation 330/2010
4: Article 2(2)-(5): Limits to the scope of application of Regulation 330/2010
5: Article 3: Market share threshold
6: Article 4: Hardcore restrictions
7: Article 5: Excluded restrictions
8: Article 6 (non-application) and Article 29 Regulation 1/2003 (withdrawal)
9: Frequently used distribution and supply scenarios

III. VERTICAL AGREEMENTS OUTSIDE REGULATION 330/201010: Economics and self-assessment of vertical agreements

IV. MOTOR VEHICLE DISTRIBUTION11: Motor vehicle distribution