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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
LPC: Family Law 2019 isbn 9780198837732

LPC: Family Law 2018

ISBN13: 9780198787716
New Edition ISBN: 9780198837732
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198783183
Published: January 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

Family Law takes a practical approach to family law and procedure, supporting students with a range of learning features such as self-test questions, chapter summaries, and diagrams. Case studies and examples are included throughout to show the practical applications of the law and are accompanied by worked sample documents.

Legal Manuals, Family Law
Part 1. Introduction
1: Family law practice and the first interview
2: Funding
3: Alternative dispute resolution in family law
4: The Single Family Court

Part 2. Relationship Breakdown
5: Separation and nullity
6: Divorce
7: Defences to divorce and dissolution
8: Jurisdiction
9: Procedure for a matrimonial order
10: Civil Partnership Act 2004

Part 3. Money and Property
11: Financial orders following divorce or dissolution
12: Financial orders
13: Pre-marital arrangements
14: Procedure for financial orders
15: Variation, collection, and enforcement of financial orders
16: Protecting assets and the family home in financial order proceedings
17: Separation and maintenance agreements
18: Child support
19: Pensions in financial proceedings
20: Taxation in family law
21: Welfare benefits

Part 4. Cohabitation
22: Cohabitation
23: Cohabitation and finance

Part 5. Children
24: Introduction to the Children Act 1989
25: Parental responsibility
26: Private children law
27: Private children law procedure
28: Child abduction
29: Children in local authority care
30: Emergency protection of children
31: Public children procedure
32: Child Protection Conferences

Part 6. Domestic Abuse
33: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: non-molestation orders
34: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: occupation orders
35: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: emergency protection and enforcement
36: Protection under the Family Law Act 1996: procedure
37: Protection from harassment