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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Card and English on Police Law 16th ed isbn 9780192866165

Police Law 15th ed

ISBN13: 9780198786801
New Edition ISBN: 9780192866165
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198724360
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Now in its fifteenth edition, this well-respected and highly regarded book covers all areas of law and legal procedure which are of interest to police officers.

Updated to include new legislation such as the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, the Deregulation Act 2015, the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Serious Crime Act 2015 and the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.

There is also discussion of important changes to PACE Codes A, and E, new case law and a revised structure reflecting the changing nature of policing and the challenges officers face.

Comprehensive and easy to understand, Police Law is an indispensable everyday reference book for police officers, and is the only book covering all areas of police law. The book also provides a good source of information for members of the public who wish to refer to a legal text written in an accessible way.

Police Law is accompanied by a useful companion website containing regular updates on changes in the law throughout the life of the print edition.

Police and Public Order Law
1: General Principles
2: Elements of Criminal Procedure
3: Police Powers
4: Police Questioning and the Rights of Suspects
5: Treatment, Charging and Bail of Detainees
6: Identification Methods
7: The Law of Criminal Evidence
8: The Police
9: Traffic: General Provisions
10: Use of Vehicles
11: Control of Vehicles
12: Lights and Vehicles
13: Traffic Accidents
14: Driving Offences
15: Drinking or Drug-Taking and Driving
16: Children and Young Persons
17: Licensed Premises, Licensed Persons, Clubs, Places of Entertainment, and Offences of Drunkenness
18: Dogs
19: Firearms and Weapons
20: Explosives
21: Railways
22: Nuisances, Collections, Vagrancy, Peddling, and Scrap Metal
23: Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person
24: Disputes
25: Homicide and Related Offences
26: Public Order other than Those Offences Related to Sporting Events or Industrial Disputes
27: Public Order Offences Related to Sporting Events and Those Connected with Industrial Disputes
28: Terrorism Generally
29: Sexual Offences
30: Offences Relating to Prostitution, Obscenity, and Indecent Photographs
31: Drugs
32: Theft and Related Offences, Robbery, and Blackmail
33: Burglary
34: Offences of Fraud and Bribery
35: Handling Stolen Goods and Related Offences
36: Forgery and Counterfeiting
37: Criminal Damage and Computer Misuse
38: Offences against Administration of Justice
39: Preventive Justice