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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Company Law 2nd ed isbn 9780192895677

Company Law

ISBN13: 9780198786634
New Edition ISBN: 9780192895677
Published: March 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Lee Roach's Company Law is a thoroughly modern textbook; written with exceptional clarity, the reader is effortlessly led through the complexities of the law.

Core principles are fully explained and explored, and consistently linked with fascinating, lively examples of the law in action. These frequent examples are designed to pique students' interest and ensure that they appreciate the vital importance of an effective, efficient system of company law.

While focused fully on discussing law and legal issues, the book also responds to modern critiques of corporate regulation by linking the legal issues to debates around corporate governance. The student is therefore given the complete picture: both how companies are regulated and why company law is so essential.

Online Resources

Extensive online resources provide significant additional support including:

  • Bonus chapter on insider dealing and market abuse
  • Practice questions and answers
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Further reading

Company Law
Part I: Introduction
1: Introduction
2: Sources of company law and corporate governance

Part II: The Formation and Nature of the Company
3: Incorporation
4: Corporate personality
5: The constitution of the company
6: Corporate capacity, liability, and attribution

Part III: The Board of Directors
7: The classifications of director
8: Board appointment, structure, and composition
9: The role and powers of the board
10: Directors' duties I: duties of performance
11: Directors' duties II: conflicts of interest
12: Vacation of office and disqualification

Part IV: Membership of the Company
13: Membership
14: Meetings and investor engagement
15: Members' remedies
16: Share capital
17: The maintenance of capital
18: Public offers of shares
19: Corporate transparency
20: Debt capital and security

Part VI: Corporate Rescue, Restructuring, and Insolvency
21: Corporate rescue and receivership
22: Corporate reconstructions and takeovers
23: Liquidation, dissolution, and restoration