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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Legal Systems and Skills 4th ed isbn 9780198834328

Legal Systems and Skills 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780198785903
New Edition ISBN: 9780198834328
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198727453
Published: April 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Legal Systems and Skills provides students with a practical guide to all the essential knowledge and skills they will need for their law degree and beyond. Divided into three core areas, it forms a foundation for legal studies and for graduate employment.

Essential Legal Systems: Part I delivers a focused and practical guide to the purpose and application of law. Contemporary and holistic in approach, it covers all the essential topics in legal systems, considering social, moral, ethical, and jurisprudential perspectives. Taking learning further, it helps students to critically evaluate legal systems and their implications for individuals, businesses, and commerce.

Essential Legal Skills: Part II demonstrates step-by-step approaches to acquiring and honing the skills needed for the academic study of law and professional practice. Numerous visual aids and learning features help students to become adept researchers, nimble problem-solvers, dexterous writers, and competent communicators. They will acquire the tools they need to analyse, evaluate, and apply the law, and to thrive in their future careers.

Essential Employability and Commercial Awareness: Part III helps students to see how their knowledge and skills can be practically applied, in the legal world or outside of it. Students are encouraged to reflect on and actively improve their commercial awareness through case studies, and activities, aimed at helping them to develop the skills they will need to thrive in the world of work. Targeted coverage of employability, CV development, and transferrable skills helps students to approach their future careers with confidence and communicate their own competencies effectively.

This book is the essential contemporary toolkit for savvy law students, enabling them to: Learn how law works; Develop the essential skills; and Apply them to succeed. This text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre offering students the following stimulating resources:

  • Self-test questions
  • A library of web links that direct students to useful websites and relevant media
  • The authors' guidance to answering the thought-provoking questions in the book
  • Additional content providing guidance on effective teamwork, meetings and presentations
  • Regular updates in the law
  • Sample interview questions to help students identify which areas of commercial awareness they need to focus on

English Legal System, Legal Skills and Method
Part I Legal Systems
1: Introduction to law
2: Legal systems and sources of law
3: The court system of England & Wales
4: Legislation
5: Case law
6: Legal services

Part II Legal Skills
7: Reading and understanding law
8: Legal research
9: Problem solving
10: Advocacy, mooting, and professional communication
11: Writing and drafting

Part III Employability and Commercial Awareness
12: Making yourself more employable
13: Understanding clients: individuals and businesses
14: Businesses and the business environment
15: Essential economics and finance
16: Law firms as businesses
17: CVs, applications, and interviews