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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Bar Manual: Drafting 19th ed isbn 9780198823148

Bar Manual: Drafting 18th ed

ISBN13: 9780198766001
New Edition ISBN: 9780198823148
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198714446
Published: August 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Drafting is designed to equip trainee barristers with the requisite skills to draft high-quality legal documents across all areas of practice. The manual contains practical advice on the skill of drafting in a number of legal settings, including contract, tort, and criminal proceedings.

Each chapter contains numerous examples accompanied by detailed commentary on the key features of the draft. Exercises are included throughout the manual, offering the opportunity to practice and perfect your own style of drafting.

Legal Manuals, Drafting and Legal Writing
1: The skill of drafting
2: The use of precedents
3: Drafting in plain English
4: Rules and principles relating to statements of case
5: Headings
6: Claim forms
7: Basic particulars of claim in tort and contract
8: Basic defences in tort and contract
9: Further particulars of claim
10: Further defences
11: Misrepresentation
12: Additional precedents for claims
13: Defence and counterclaim
14: Reply and defence to counterclaim
15: Additional claims
16: Amendment of statements of case
17: Request for further information
18: Further information
19: Interim injunctions
20: Written evidence
21: Judgments and orders
22: Claims for judicial review
23: Skeleton arguments
24: Indictments
25: Criminal grounds of appeal
26: Part 8 claims
27: Construction claims
28: Claims for breach of trust and the recovery of trust property
29: Checklist for Drafting Skills