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A Practical Guide 2nd ed

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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
International Law and the Environment 3rd ed isbn 9780198764229

International Law and the Environment 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780198765530
ISBN: 0198765533
New Edition ISBN: 9780198764229
Published: September 2002
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This volume assesses the basic principles, structure and effectiveness of the international legal system concerning the protection of the world's natural environment. It is hoped that the reader is thus provided with a clearer picture of the remarkable developments in environmental law brought about by recent global concern for the environment

This second edition has been expanded and updated to take full account of the extensive developments in international environmental law which have occurred since the Rio Conference in 1992. There is an additional chapter on international trade law and the environment, as well as sections on sustainable development, climate change, biological diversity, regulation of the global environment, environmental impact assessment, and the precautionary principle.

Coverage of human rights issues and private international law has been improved. Major new treaties on international watercourses, international fisheries, access to environmental justice and information, nuclear safety, and environmental liability are considered, and the growing jurisprudence of international tribunals is included;This book is intended for undergraduate courses in environm

Environmental Law
1. Introduction
2. International Governance and the Formulation of Environmental Law and Policy
3. The Structure of International Environmental Law I: Rights and Obligations of States
4. The Structure of International Environmental Law II: Enforcement, Compliance, Dispute Settlement
5. The Structure of International Environmental Law III: Environmental Rights and Crimes
6. Sustainable Use of International Watercourses
7. The Law of the Sea and the Protection of the Marine Environment
8. The International Control of Hazardous Waste
9. Nuclear Energy and the Environment
10. Protecting the Climate, Atmosphere and Outer Space
11. Conservation of Biological Diversity and Nature Protection: Principles and Problems
12. Conservation of Migratory and Endangered Species
13. Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources
14. Free Trade and Environmental Protection