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Constitutional Reform in the United Kingdom

ISBN13: 9780198765462
ISBN: 0198765460
Published: March 2003
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £63.99

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This new account of constitutional reform in the UK offers a detailed discussion of all the significant changes that have developed following the elections of 1997 and 2001. Issues discussed include the recent devolution of power in Scotland and elections of Assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland; reform of the House of Lords and the system of hereditary peers; the influence of the Human Rights Act, changes to electoral systems and party funding and the significance of the European dimension on the British Constitution. Dawn Oliver presents a broad overview of the latest developments in constitutional reform while analysing the implications of these reforms for the theories of democracy, citizenship and good governance within an UK context. Discussion is also given on the gradual move away from a political constitution to a more law-based system, the general ethics and standards within Parliament and consideration of possible future reforms in the areas of regional government, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.;Written in a straightforward and accessible style, the text is well referenced to aid further research and offers an extensive bibliography and list of official publications. It is essential reading for all those studying constitutional law and reform as part of their law or politics degree programmes, while academics and civil servants in these areas will also find the discussions and analysis in the work of interest.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1. MODERNISING THE UNITED KINGDOM'S CONSTITUTION; 2. Themes: Democrary, Citizenship and Good Governance; 3. Britain in the European Union; 4. PARLIAMENT; 5. Government; 6. Devolution; 7. Local Government; 8. Quangos; 9. The Courts and the Constitution; 10. ELECTIONS, REFERENDUMS, PARTIES AND PARTY FUNDING; 11. Open Government; 12. Human Rights in the United Kingdom; 13. TOWARDS A LAW-BASED CONSTITUTION?; 14. An Agenda for Further Reform