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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Equity 2nd ed isbn 9780199290505


ISBN13: 9780198765042
ISBN: 0198765045
New Edition ISBN: 9780199290505
Published: June 2003
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
Equity is traditionally, if imprecisely, regarded as the 'conscience' of the law.;Despite this, there is no English textbook on general equitable principles.;The emphasis has instead been on providing detailed and sophisticated descriptions of the law of trusts.;The role of Equity, and its relationship with the Common Law rules of contract, restitution, and property have been relatively ignored, yet they present issues on which opinion is sharply divided.

Sarah Worthington's new book provides an outline of the basic principles of equity, illustrated principally by contemporary examples of its operation.;It considers Equity's role in creating different rights and obligations, different remedies, and different procedures from those provided by the common law itself. In exploring these areas, the overriding aim is to delimit equity's modern role and it's present relationship with other areas of the law.

Most importantly, this book exposes the possibilities, and the need, for coherent substantive integration of common law and equity

1. DUAL LEGAL SYSTEMS: COMMON LAW AND EQUITY; 2. Legal Systems and Legal Rights; 3. CREATING PROPERTY; 4. Amplifying Property Rights; 5. RESTRICTING PERSONAL AUTONOMY; 6. Supplementing Civil Wrongs; 7. REVIEWING PROMISES; 8. Enforcing Promises; 9. CORRECTING MISCONCEIVED TRANSFERS; 10. EQUITY- THE ENDGAME