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Consumer and Trading Law: Text, Cases and Materials 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780198764786
ISBN: 0198764782
Previous Edition ISBN: 040601261X
Published: December 1999
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £85.99

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This text on consumer law contains materials drawn from a broad range of sources and includes extracts from: cases and statutes; Government and Law Commission reports; and publications produced by the Office of Fair Trading and the National Consumer Council. It also incorporates materials illustrating the approach of other jurisdictions, most notably within the Commonwealth, North America and continental Europe.

The ever-increasing influence of the European Community is apparent throughout this work and the extracts (many of which are not readily accessible elsewhere) are introduced, linked and contextualised by extensive commentary, notes, problems and questions for discussion.

The work takes full account of the major statutory changes since the last edition, for example, the Consumer Protection Act 1987, the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994, the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992, the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regualtions 1994 and the General Product Safety Regulations 1994.

Consumer Law
Print On Demand Edition;
1: The ambit of consumer law.
2: The framework of remedies: representations, warranties and promotional claims.
3: Contracts for the supply of goods.
4: Contracts for the supply of services.
5: Product liability.
6: Aspects of consumer credit.
7: Exemption clauses and unfair contract terms.
8: The enforcement of private law remedies: some problems of individual redress.
9: The enforcement of private law remedies: collective redress.
10: The consumer, codes of practice and advertising.
11: Aspects of the duty to trade fairly.
12: Aspects of the general criminal law relating to trading standards including consumer safety.
13: Trade descriptions: goods and services.
14: False price claims.
15: General statutory defences in consumer protection legislation