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Problems and Process: International Law and How We Use It

ISBN13: 9780198764106
ISBN: 0198764103
Published: December 1996
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £86.00

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This text offers an original and scholarly introduction to a number of key topics which lie at the heart of modern international law.

Based upon the revised text of her Hague Academy lectures, Professor Higgins presents an original and thought-provoking study of the nature and processes of international law, and reveals the complex relationship between legal norms and the policy objectives which lie at the heart of this subject.

Public International Law
1. The nature and function of international law
2. Sources of international law: Provenance and problems
3. Participants in the international legal system
4. Allocating competence: Jurisdiction
5. Exceptions to jurisdictional competence: Immunities from suit and enforcement
6. Responding to individual needs: Human rights
7. Self determination
8. Natural resources and international norms
9. Accountability and liability: The law of state responsibility
10. The United Nations
11. Dispute settlement and the International Court of Justice
12. The role of national courts in the international legal process
13. Oiling the wheels of international law: Equity and proportionality
14. The individual use of force in international law
15. The use of force by the United Nations