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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Landlord and Tenant Law in Context isbn 9781841137223

Landlord and Tenant Law: The Nature of Tenancies

ISBN13: 9780198763499
ISBN: 0198763492
New Edition ISBN: 9781841137223
Published: October 1995
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780198763482

Out Of Print
This study takes a fresh look at the principles which provide the foundation of the landlord and tenant relationship. This relationship gives rise to a number of issues common to all types of tenancy - residential, commercial and agricultural. These issues are explored in the context of case law, statute and practice as well as social and economic policies.

The text is designed not only to inform those seeking knowledge of the present law, but also to encourage thinking about fundamental principles of landlord and tenant law.

Landlord and Tenant Law
Table of Cases and Satutes.
1: Policy.
2: The Lease as Property, as a Contract and as a Public Law Relationship.
3: The Essential Elements of a Lease.
4: Entering into the Lease.
5: Protecting the Relationship.
6: Property Management.
7: Rent.
8: Change of Tenant.
9: Change of Landlord.
10: Ending the Relationship.
11: Changing the Tenant's Interest.
Appendix A.