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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
EU Law Directions 6th ed isbn 9780198816539

EU Law Directions 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780198754510
New Edition ISBN: 9780198816539
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199685653
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Do you know the differences between the national legal systems and those of the EU? Struggling to makes sense of free movement? EU Law Directions tackles these and many more questions, introducing you to this exciting area of law.

The Directions series has been written with students in mind. The ideal guide as they approach the subject for the first time, this book will help them:

  • Gain a complete understanding of the topic: just the right amount of detail conveyed clearly
  • Understand the law in context: with scene-setting introductions and highlighted case extracts, the practical importance of the law becomes clear
  • Identify when and how to critically evaluate the law: they'll be introduced to the key areas of debate and given the confidence to question the law
  • Deepen and test knowledge: visually engaging learning and self-testing features aid understanding and help students tackle assessments with confidence
  • Elevate their learning: with the ground-work in place you can aspire to take your learning to the next level, with direction provided on how to go further
      This text is also accompanied by a free Online Resource Centre which includes the following features:

      • An interactive timeline showing the key moments in EU legal history
      • An interactive map illustrating the development of the EU and providing essential background knowledge
      • Self-test questions with instant feedback
      • Video clips from the European Commission
      • Suggested approaches to end of chapter questions
      • Study and exam tips
      • Updates to the law
      • Useful weblinks

EU Law
Part 1: Institutional Law
1: The establishment and development of the European Union
2: The Union institutions
3: Transfer of powers, competances and law-making
4: Sources and forms of EU law
5: Supremacy of EU law

Part 2: Procedural actions, enforcement, and remedies in EU law
6: The preliminary ruling (Article 267 TFEU)
7: Treaty enforcement actions against member states
8: Remedies: direct and indirect effects and state liability
9: Direct actions before the European Court of Justice

Part 3: Substantive law
10: Free movement of goods I: tariff & tax barriers
11: Free movement of goods II: non-tariff barriers
12: Free movement of persons
13: Discrimination law
14: An introduction to EU competition policy and law