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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Environmental Law 10th ed isbn 9780192847690

Environmental Law 9th ed

ISBN13: 9780198748328
New Edition ISBN: 9780192847690
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199583805
Published: June 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Trusted by generations of students and academics alike, the ninth edition of this leading text continues to provide far-reaching coverage of the essential topics taught on most environmental law courses. The authors consider the areas thematically, tackling the key debates and explaining the subject in its social and political context.

The clear and accessible writing style ensures that readers are informed yet not overwhelmed. Known for its clear structure and systematic approach, readers new to the subject are provided with a logical introduction while those with more experience can explore the intricacies of the content.

The text is supported by a number of learning features designed to help students engage with the material, develop critical thinking skills, and to guide further research.

This book is also accompanied by an Online Resource Centre featuring additional chapters, expanded further reading suggestions for each chapter, annotated web links and legal updates.

Environmental Law
Part 1 Introductory Themes
1: What is environmental law? A brief introduction
2: History and challenges
3: Values, principles, rights, justice and environmental law
4: The form, function and administration of environmental law

Part 2 Integrated Themes
5: International law and environmental protection
6: The European Union and the environment
7: The regulation of environmental process
8: Environmental crime and enforcement
9: Public participation
10: Access to environmental justice and the role of courts
11: Private law and environmental protection

Part 3 Sectoral Coverage
12: Town and country planning
13: Environmental assessment
14: Environmental permitting and IPPC
15: Climate change, ozone depletion, and air quality
16: Contaminated land
17: Water pollution and water quality
18: Waste management
19: The conservation of nature
20: New technologies

Online Resource Centre: Chapter Abstracts
21: Landscape management
22: Local controls and remedies
23: Disposal of waste to sewers