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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Core Text: Constitutional and Administrative Law 10th ed isbn 9780198810704

Core Text: Constitutional and Administrative Law 9th ed

ISBN13: 9780198747529
New Edition ISBN: 9780198810704
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199684144
Published: April 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Constitutional and Administrative Law guides readers through the key principles of public law, examining significant cases and recent developments along the way.

The book's broad coverage is presented in a concise and easy-to-read format, while chapter summaries and self-test questions help reinforce knowledge.

Highly praised by students and lecturers alike, Constitutional and Administrative Law is a must for undergraduates of all levels.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
Part I. Fundamental Principles of the Constitution
1: The meaning of a constitution
2: Separation of powers
3: Rule of law
4: The royal prerogative
5: The legislative supremacy of parliament

Part II. The Institutional Framework of the Constitution
6: Parliament
7: The European Union
8: The structure of the United Kingdom and devolution

Part III. Sources of Public Law
9: Primary and secondary legislation
10: EU law
11: Constitutional conventions and judge-made law

Part IV. Judicial Review of Administrative Action
12: The nature of judicial review
13: The grounds for judicial review
14: Judicial review remedies

Part V. Alternative Means of Redress
15: Tribunals, inquiries, and the ombudsmen remedy

Part VI. Civil Liberties
16: Freedoms and liberties in the UK
17: Freedom of expression
18: Police powers
19: Freedom of assembly and public order