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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Law Society of Ireland: Wills, Probate and Estates 6th ed isbn 9780198806950

Law Society of Ireland: Wills, Probate and Estates 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780198747420
New Edition ISBN: 9780198806950
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199680191
Published: August 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

The fifth edition of Wills, Probate and Estatesfor Ireland has been written to provide trainee solicitors with a clear and thorough understanding of current best practice in the area of wills, trusts, probate and the administration of estates. The manual takes into account all recent changes in legislation.

The book outlines the basic elements of a will, familiarizing trainees with the common law and statutory background, and enabling them to draft wills and simple trusts in accordance with statute and their clients' informed instructions.

It then outlines how to obtain the necessary grant of representation on the death of a client, either with or without a will, and how to administer such an estate, taking into account the various obligations on the personal representative.

Wills, Probate and Estates provides succinct and practical advice, provided by solicitors for solicitors, tackling questions of practice and procedure that are of central importance not only for students on the Professional Practice Course, but also to practitioners who deal with any area of wills, trusts, probate or the administration of estates.

Legal Manuals, Irish Law
1: Introduction to will drafting
2: Basic elements of a will and mutual wills
3: The legal personal representative
4: Will drafting - the rights of spouses/civil partners, cohabitants and children
5: Instructions, attendance and execution
6: Introduction to administration of estates
7: Introduction to probate practice
8: Extracting a grant of administration with will annexed
9: Extracting a grant of administration intestate
10: Second and subsequent grants ('de bonis non' grants)
11: Non-contentious applications (either to the Probate Officer or to the Court)
12: Administration after the grant has issued
13: Beneficiaries including: spouses/civil partners, cohabitants and children of the deceased
14: Obligations, duties and claims on the estate
15: Distributing the estate, vesting of property and finalising matters