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ISBN13: 9780198736752
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Criminology is a core, introductory textbook that takes students further. From the first chapter, students are encouraged to regard themselves as producers of criminological knowledge. Starting from the basics, the book takes students on a journey through the subject. This begins with what crime is and the theories that try to explain it, through society's response to crime, and ultimately to how to carry out independent research and plan first steps in a career.

The critical, applied approach is emphasized through some of the many features that are integrated throughout the book. These include conversations with authentic voices from the field, compelling personal insights from the authors, and challenges to students to question assumptions, apply knowledge and critically reflect on their personal viewpoints.

The ultimate goal behind Criminology is a bold, important, and ambitious one. Both student-focused and research engaged, the purpose of the book is to contribute towards producing the next generation of criminologists who are switched-on, excited, active, and - above all - critical.

Part 1: Journeying into Criminology
1.: Becoming a student: tips, tricks, and tools for effective learning
2.: What is the study of criminology?

Part 2: Exploring Crime
3.: What is 'crime'?
4.: What is 'justice'?
5.: Crime statistics
6.: How does criminology 'know' about crime?
7.: Crime and the media
8.: Victimology and hate crime
9.: Youth crime and youth justice
10.: Race, ethnicities and the criminal justice system
11.: Gender and feminist criminology

Part 3: Explaining Crime
12.: Free will, Classicism and rational choice
13.: Biological and psychological positivism
14.: Sociological positivism
15.: Critical criminology: challenging the 'usual suspects'
16.: Critical criminology: new and future directions
17.: Right and left realism
18.: Integrated theories of crime
19.: Searching for the causes of crime

Part 4: Responding to Crime
20.: Criminal justice principles
21.: Criminal justice: policy, practice, and people
22.: Crime prevention: ideas and practice
23.: Crime control, policing, and community safety
24.: Punishment and the idea of 'just deserts'
25.: Rehabilitation of offenders
26.: Alternatives to punishment: diversion and restorative justice
27.: Critical perspectives on crime and punishment

Part 5: Becoming a Researcher of Criminology
28.: Becoming a researcher and knowledge producer
29.: Reflective learning: applying your skills to employability, or future study
30.: Journeying into employability and careers: from university to the workplace