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First Steps in the Law 7th ed

ISBN13: 9780198735892
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199608805
Published: May 2015
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £24.99

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First Steps in the Law is an entertaining and insightful overview of the legal system. Geoffrey Rivlin, who boasts a wealth of experience as a former senior resident judge, barrister, and QC, leads the reader through the quirks of English law, offering fascinating details.

Readers are regaled with lively descriptions of the workings of the legal system and vivid tales of the law in times gone by. Real life cases bring the book to life, enabling the reader to see the law in action, while descriptions of the participants in the legal system (including judges, lawyers, and police officers) root the book in the everyday reality of the legal profession.

This is an essential read for anyone who is preparing for a law course or requires an understanding of the law in their working life.

This 7th edition marks the return of the original title First Steps in the Law - it has been known as Understanding the Law for a number of editions.

English Legal System, General Interest
1. Introduction: the Royal Courts of Justice
2. The law and its importance
3. The invisible palace I: Common law and equity
4. The invisible palace II: the Constitution
5. The Palace of Westminster: our chief law makers
6. The Police: our chief law enforcers
7. The Judiciary: our law upholders

8. The legal profession
9. Solicitors
10. Barristers
11. The courts
12. Criminal and civil cases
13. Judges

14. Human rights
15. Discrimination and the law

16. Criminal trials through the ages
17. Punishments though the ages
18. Criminal trials today
19. Punishments today
20. Young persons

21. European Union law
22. Laws around the world
23. Some interesting cases