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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials 4th ed isbn 9780198820284

Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780198735380
New Edition ISBN: 9780198820284
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199644186
Published: May 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers a fresh approach to the study of constitutional and administrative law by exploring how the law works in practice.

The inclusion of extracts from key cases, government reports and academic articles demonstrates the law in action and the incisive commentary that accompanies them explains the significance of each. The expert authors have distilled their knowledge of the institutions and legal principles into concise, focused prose, and they encourage reflection through regular questions and hypothetical examples.

This leading text provides students with a thorough and wide-ranging knowledge of public law, together will a full understanding of the theoretical and political debates in this fascinating and dynamic area of law.

This book is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre which provides a link to the authors' Twitter feed, web links to useful sites and, for lecturers, a test bank of multiple choice questions with answers and feedback.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
I. Constitutional Fundamentals
1.: The constitutional rulebook
2.: The legislative supremacy of the UK parliament
3.: The rule of law
4.: Separating and balancing powers
5.: Multilevel governing
6.: Protecting rights

II. Executive Functions
7.: Government and accountability
8.: Exercise and control of executive power in the European Union
9.: Prerogative powers and case study on the deployment of armed forces abroad

III. Legislative Functions
10.: Primary legislation
11.: Delegated legislation
12.: European Union treaties and legislative processes
13.: Case study: what happens when the Commons and Lords Disagree

IV. Judicial and Dispute Resolution Functions
14.: The Judiciary
15.: Administrative justice: tribunals and ombudsmen
16.: Judicial review
17.: Using human rights in United Kingdom courts
18.: European Union law in United Kingdom courts