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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 5th ed isbn 9780198799801

Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780198733690
New Edition ISBN: 9780198799801
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199671823
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy offers a unique perspective on intellectual property law.

It goes beyond an up-to-date account of the law and examines the complex policies that inform and guide modern intellectual property law at the domestic (including Scottish), European and international levels, giving the reader a true insight into the discipline and the shape of things to come.

The focus is on contemporary challenges to intellectual property law and policy and the reader is encouraged to engage critically both with the text and the subject matter. Carefully developed to ensure that the complexities of the subject are addressed in a clear and approachable manner, the extensive use of practical examples, exercises and visual aids throughout the text enliven the subject and stimulate the reader.

Accompanied by an online resource centre which contains the following:-

  • Updates to key areas of law
  • Two bonus chapters on 'History of Registered Design Law in the UK to 1988' and 'History of Unregistered Design
  • Protection in the UK'
  • Guidance on answering the discussion points from the book
  • Web links and further reading

Intellectual Property Law
I. Introduction
1: Intellectual property law: An introduction

II. Copyright
2: Copyright 1: History, rationale, and subject matter
3: Copyright 2: First ownership, moral rights, and term
4: Copyright 3: Economic rights and infringement
5: Copyright 4: Exceptions, technical protection measures, and contracts
6: Rights akin to copyright: database rights and performers rights
7: Current issues in copyright

III. Design Protection
8: Registered designs
9: Unregistered designs

IV. Patents
10: Patent regimes and the application process
11: Patentability and infringement
12: Contemporary issues in patent law

V. Registered Trade Marks
13: The function of a trade mark and the national, community, and international regime
14: Definitions of a trade mark and registration
15: Relative ground for refusing registration, infringement, and defences
16: Contemporary issues in trade mark law

VI. Common Law Protection of Intellectual Property
17: Passing off
18: Breach of confidence
19: Control of information, reputation, and intellectual property

VII. Intellectual Property, Free Movement of Goods, and Competition Law in Europe
20: Free movement of goods and intellectual property rights
21: Intellectual property and EU competition law

VIII. Exploitation, Enforcement, Remedies, and Cross Border Litigation
22: Exploitation of intellectual property rights, enforcement, and remedies
23: Intellectual property and international private law