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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The War Report: Armed Conflict in 2014 isbn 9780198766063

The War Report: Armed Conflict in 2013

Edited by: Stuart Casey-Maslen

ISBN13: 9780198724681
New Edition ISBN: 9780198766063
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199689088
Published: November 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

This War Report provides detailed information on every armed conflict which took place during 2013, offering an unprecedented overview of the nature, range, and impact of these conflicts and the legal issues they created.

In Part I, the Report describes its criteria for the identification and classification of armed conflicts under international law, and the legal consequences that flow from this classification. It sets out a list of armed conflicts in 2013, categorising each as international, non-international, or a military occupation, with estimates of civilian and military casualties. In Part II, each of the 28 conflicts identified in Part I are examined in more detail, with an overview of the belligerents, means and methods of warfare, the applicable treaties and rules, and any prosecutions for, investigations into, or robust allegations of war crimes. Part III of the Report provides detailed thematic analysis of key legal developments which arose in the context of these conflicts, allowing for a more in-depth reflection on cross-cutting questions and controversies.

The topics under investigation in this Report include US policy on drone strikes, the use of chemical weapons in Syria, the protection of persons with a disability, and national and international war crimes trials. The Report gives a full and accessible overview of armed conflicts in 2013, making it the perfect first port of call for everyone working in the field.

Public International Law


1. The 'New' US Policy on Drone Strikes: Domestic and International Legal Considerations
2. Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Armed Conflict
3. Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Conflicts and Under International Law
4. Foreign Fighters and International Law
5. Child Soldiers in 2013: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
6. The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict
7. Protecting Persons with Disabilities in Armed Conflict
8. Central African Republic: From Conflict to Chaos and Back Again?
9. The Responsibility to Protect and Syria
10. Protecting Civilians in Populated Areas during the Conduct of Hostilities after Gotovina
11. National Trials of International Crimes in 2013: Procedural and Fair Trial Guarantees
12. A Critical Review of Jurisprudence of the Ad Hoc Tribunals in 2013
13. Farewell specific direction: aiding and abetting war crimes in Perisic, Taylor, and Sainovic and ors.
14. Redress and Reparation for Victims of Armed Conflict: A Critical Review of Practice in 2013