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Russian Arbitration: Law and Practice

ISBN13: 9780198712442
Published: March 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £187.50

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Russian Arbitration: Law and Practice provides a comprehensive and practical guide to arbitrating with Russian parties or in an arbitration proceeding with its seat in Russia. Structured according to the order of arbitration proceedings, this book provides coverage of all the relevant issues for practitioners entering into agreement to arbitrate with Russian parties.

The author offers a comprehensive description of the relevant areas of Russian law including procedural law, mandatory rules, and the most relevant public regulations that influence recognition and enforceability of an award in Russia. It highlights problematic areas for due diligence of potential Russian business partners, serving the purpose of avoiding future disputes. The book also deals with court procedures in Russia (injunctions, parallel proceedings, etc.) that may affect arbitral proceedings. The issues of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in Russia and challenging arbitral awards in Russia are also covered. A section is devoted to particularities of arbitral proceedings at ICAC, Russia's most popular arbitral institution, and to arbitration proceedings with its seat in Russia.

Other Jurisdictions , Russian Federation, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1: The History of Arbitration in Russia
2: The 2015 Reform of Arbitration
3: Arbitrability of Disputes
4: Arbitral Institutions
5: Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators and Institutions
6: Arbitration Agreements
7: Arbitration Procedure and Assistance and Supervision of Arbitration by the Court
8: Setting Aside of Awards
9: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards