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The Russian Gas Matrix: How Markets are Driving Change

Edited by: James Henderson, Simon Pirani

ISBN13: 9780198706458
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £58.00

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This book explores the impact on the Russian gas sector of changes in international gas markets, including the growth of competition and development of new sources of supply. It also assesses how Russian responses, in turn, impact the markets where Russian gas is sold. The volume is structured to reflect the Russian Gas Matrix described in OIES research: the shifting relationship between key elements of supply and demand for Russian gas. It includes chapters on demand for Russian gas in Europe, CIS importing countries, Asia, and the domestic Russian market, as well as analysis of sources of Russian gas supply, including Gazprom, other producers such as Novatek and Rosneft, and imports from Central Asia. It also considers the wider economic context of change in the gas sector, and addresses the key political and economic issues it faces, including the contribution of gas revenues and taxes to the Russian budget, the potential for changes to the structure of the domestic market and the export monopoly, the future of domestic gas prices and the balance of supply among Russian producers. The book aims to provide a detailed update to Jonathan Stern's The Future of Russian Gas and Gazprom (OUP, 2005) and to develop themes raised in Simon Pirani's (ed.), Russian and CIS Gas Markets and their Impact on Europe (OUP, 2009).

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Part 1: Political Economy of Russian Gas
1: Tatiana Mitrova: The political and economic importance of gas in Russia
2: Jonathan Stern: The evolving Russian gas matrix
Part 2: The Impact of Competitive Markets on Russian Gas
3: Jonathan Stern: Russia's response to changes in the European gas market
4: James Henderson, Simon Pirani, and Katja Yafimava: The Russian domestic market
5: Simon Pirani and Katja Yafimava: The FSU market and its changing relationship with Russia
6: James Henderson: Asia as a potential major new outlet for Russian gas
7: James Henderson: How LNG fits into Russia's gas strategy
8: Summary: Potential Market Influence on Russia's Gas Supply Strategy
Part 3: Russia's Gas Supply Strategy
9: James Henderson and Jonathan Stern: Gazprom's supply strategy
10: James Henderson: The role of non-Gazprom Russian producers
11: Simon Pirani: Imports from Central Asia
12: Summary: The likely balance of Russian gas supply?
Part 4: Conclusions
13: James Henderson and Simon Pirani: The changing balance of the Russian gas matrix and the reaction of the Russian state;