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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Core Texts Series: Criminal Law 10th ed isbn 9780198778318

Core Texts Series: Criminal Law 9th ed

ISBN13: 9780198704164
New Edition ISBN: 9780198778318
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199644353
Published: July 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The Core Text Series provides students with reliable, concise, value-for-money coverage of key legal disciplines. Each title in the series seeks to strip its subject to the core - identifying the fundamental principles which underlie it and concentrating on the most important topics - while continuing to identify the intellectual challenges and difficulties within it.

Each of the available texts takes you straight to the heart of the subject matter by providing a succinct and reliable account of the current law. Written by leading academic authors, titles in the series are invaluable guides for students of law at all levels.

Criminal Law provides a concise account of all the relevant aspects of criminal law in a manageable and thought-provoking way. Underpinned by the author's expert insight, this is an essential introductory guide to criminal law.

In an area of law where case law is so integral to effective understanding of the different legal principles, Criminal Law provides numerous key case summaries to help you remember the key points of law with an authoritative guiding commentary to help you think critically about and around the subject. Students are able to consolidate their own learning through supporting chapter summaries, further reading, and self-test questions throughout the book.

Criminal Law
1. Introduction
2. The conduct element of a crime
3. Criminal states of mind
4. Incapacitating conditions
5. General defences
6. Accomplices
7. Inchoate offences
8. Homicide
9. Crimes of non-fatal violence
10. Sexual offences
11. Theft, fraud, and other property offences
12. Criminal damage and public order offences