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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The European Union and its Court of Justice 2nd ed isbn 9780199258857

The European Union and Its Court of Justice

Anthony ArnullWragge Professor of European Law, University of Birmingham

ISBN13: 9780198298816
ISBN: 0198298811
New Edition ISBN: 9780199258857
Published: April 2000
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print
This book is part of the Oxford EC Law Library. The aim of this series is to publish important and original studies of the various branches of European Community Law. Each work provides a clear, concise, and original critical exposition of the law in its social, economic, and political context, at a level which will interest the advanced student, the practitioner, the academic, and government and Community officials.

The European Court of Justice is a controversial institution. Its supporters see it as having played a central and positive role in shaping a polity which has given its Member States an unprecedented degree of peace, stability, and prosperity. To its detractors, it has ignored the Treaties from which it derives its powers in order to pursue an agenda of its own about the political shape of Europe.

The purpose of this book is to record and analyse the contribution the Court has made to shaping the legal framework within which the European Union operates. It examines the case law of the Court on the scope of its own powers and important constitutional questions with which it has been confronted: the relationship between Community law and national law, the impact of Community law on national remedies, the development of general principles of law and the place of fundamental rights.

This book also looks at the case law of the Court in certain key areas of substantive law: the free movement of goods, persons and services, competition and equal treatment for men and women. The final section comprises a discussion of some general questions relating to the Court's overall approach. To what

1. Europe's Judges
2. The jurisdiction of the Court
3. The relationship between Treaty provisions and the national laws of the Member States
4. The direct effect of Community legislation
5. European rights, national remedies
6. General principles of law and fundamental rights
7. The free movement of goods
8. The free movement of workers
9. The right of establishment and freedom to provide services
10. Public policy, public service, and official authority
11. The free movement of persons and services: supplementing the basic principles
12. The law of competition
13. Equal treatment for men and women
14. Methods of interpretation
15. Precedent
16. Judging Europe's Judges