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Voluntary Euthanasia and the Common Law New ed

Margaret OtlowskiAssociate Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Law, University of Tasmania, Australia

ISBN13: 9780198298687
ISBN: 0198298684
Published: April 2000
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 1997)
Price: £66.00
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780198259961

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Margaret Otlowski tackles the complex and controversial issue of active voluntary euthanasia and argues convincingly for a reform of the criminal law prohibition in common law jurisdictions. Otlowski critically examines the strict legal situation on euthanasia, which treats medically assisted dying as murder, and contrasts it with the position in practice. By highlighting the leniency shown to the few doctors who have actually been prosecuted for assisting their patients to die, she points to the discrepancy between the law and medical practice and argues for reform. The many arguments raised in the euthanasia debate are considered, as are steps taken towards reform in the UK, USA, Canada, and the Netherlands (where active euthanasia in now openly practised).

Criminal Law, Medical Law and Bioethics
Euthanasia Under the Criminal Law
Suicide and Assisted Suicide
The Position in Practice: Doctors' Practices and the Law Applied
The Euthanasia Debate
The Changing Climate For Reform
Moves Towards Reform
The Netherlands
Options for Reform
Appendix: Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1996