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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Handbook of the Law of Visiting Forces 2nd ed isbn 9780198808404

The Handbook of the Law of Visiting Forces

ISBN13: 9780198268949
ISBN: 0198268947
New Edition ISBN: 9780198808404
Published: July 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

International efforts to implement and further develop military partnership programmes have stressed the need to elaborate clear status provisions for military and civilian personnel of foreign armed forces in a receiving state. This handbook evaluates existing experience in state practice and describes options for further legal development. It offers a perception of the immunity of foreign armed forces based on historic developments and current treaties with a view to the question whether rules of customary law are evolving in this respect.

As a joint effort of international experts, the handbook provides an up-to-date commentary on applicable status law provisions as contained in the NATO Status of Forces Agreement of 1951 (NATO SOFA), which was adapted more recently by the Partnership for Peace Status of Forces Agreement of 1995 (PfP SOFA), and the Paris Protocol of 1952 on NATO Military Headquarters. Case studies describe and evaluate specific practice in Germany, Japan, Korea, and Russia.

International Criminal Law
1. Introduction
2. Historical Developments Influencing the Present Law of Visiting Forces
3. Multinational Units
4. Present and Future Challenges for the Status of Forces (ius in praesentia) [A commentary to applicable status law provisions]
5. International Military Headquarters
6. Case Study: The Development of the Law of Stationing Forces in Germany: Five Decades of Multilateral Co-peration
7. Case Study: United Forces in Japan--A Bilateral Experience
8. Case Study: Russian Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States
9. Case Study: Visiting Forces in Korea
10. The International Committee of the Red Cross--Legal Status and Headquarters Agreements
11. The UN Peacekeeping Experience
12. Lessons learned in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia
13. Visiting Forces in an Operational Context