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Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws

ISBN13: 9780198265665
ISBN: 0198265662
Published: December 1996
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £90.00

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This is the paperback edition of Lawrence Collins' very well received hardback Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws. The book offers academics and practitioners a selection of the best essays written over a twenty-year period, updated where necessary with introductory prefaces outlining the most important subsequent developments. Among the highlights is a report of the author's recent Hague lecture on Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation. Scholarly and incisive, these essays will be required reading for all academics and practitioners interested in international litigation.

Conflict of Laws
1. Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation; 2. The Territorial Reach of Mareva Injunctions; 3. Some Aspects of Service Out of the Jurisdiction in English Law; 4. Forum Selection and an Anglo-American Conflict; 5. The Marc Rich Case and Actions for Negative Declarations; 6. The Hague Evidence Convention and Discovery: A Serious Misunderstanding?; 7. Harris v. Taylor Revived; 8. Blocking and Clawback Statutes: The United Kingdom Approach; 9. Interaction between Contract and Tort in the Conflict of Laws; 10. Exemption Clauses, Employment Contracts, and the Conflict of Laws; 11. Contractual and Non-Contractual ObligationsDSEEC Preliminary Draft Convention; 12. Floating Charges, Receivers, and Managers and the Conflict of Laws