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Law in Context: Enlarging a Discipline

ISBN13: 9780198264835
ISBN: 0198264836
Published: January 1997
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £115.00

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The central theme of Twining's book is that law is a marvellous subject of study, but to do justice to its potential requires an enlargement of vision, multiple perspectives, and a radical reappraisal of the role, culture, and practices of law schools.

Treating theory, education, scholarship, publishing, and professional practice as complementary activities, the author explores the history, philosophy, and practical problems of attempts to broaden the study of law in a disciplined way. He draws upon his personal experience of law schools throughout the common law world and his special knowledge of jurisprudence, evidence,torts and legal method to examine a wide range of topics in depth. These include, for example, the nature and tasks of legal theory, different kinds of legal literature, and access to legal education and the profession. This provocative and readable book will appeal to all those with an interest in the roles of legal theory, law schools, and lawyers in a changing world.

  • This book complements Twining's last book Blackstone's Tower

1. Introduction
2. The Camel in the Zoo
3. Reflections on Law in Context
4. Pericles and the Plumber
1836 and All That
6. Taking Facts Seriously
7. Evidence and Legal Theory
8. Theory in the Law Curriculum
9. Legal Skills and Legal Education
10. Karl Llewellyn and the Modern Skills Movement
11. Reading Law
12. The Reading Law Cookbook
13. Preparing Lawyers for the Twenty-first Century
14. What are Law Schools For?
15. Pericles Regained?
16. A Nobel Prize for Law?