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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Japanese Law 2nd ed isbn 9780198764564

Basic Japanese Laws

ISBN13: 9780198256861
ISBN: 0198256868
New Edition ISBN: 0198764561
Published: April 1999
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The book brings together a translation of the most important Japanese legal codes in the field of commercial law. It includes the Civil Code, which is the core of private law, and the Commercial Code, which covers all aspects of company law. The translation of the Commercial Code is the latest version incorporating the 1995 amendments. Anti-monopoly law, or competition law, is also covered in this volume.

This is an invaluable work of reference, for academics and students of comparative law, as well as for practitioners and businessmen.

  • This is the first time that accurate translations of the codes have been published together in one book. It is, therefore, the first time any graduate student, scholar or practitioner moving into areas of Japanese law has had such easy access to this material

Other Jurisdictions
1. The Commercial Code
2. The Constitution
3. The Civil Code
4. The Anti-Monopoly Law
5. Law on the Application of Laws