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Natural Law Theory: Contemporary Essays

Edited by: Robert P. George

ISBN13: 9780198235521
ISBN: 0198235526
Published: July 2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £56.00

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This volume presents 12 original essays by contemporary natural law theorists and their critics. Natural law theory is enjoying a revival of interest today in a variety of disciplines, including law, philosophy, political science, and theology and religious studies.

These essays offer readers a sense of the lively contemporary debate among natural law theorists of different schools, as well as between natual law theorists and their critics.

Robert P. George: Introduction
I: Natural Law, Practical Reasoning, and Morality
Joseph Boyle: Natural law and the ethics of traditions
Robert P. George: Natural Law and human nature
Russell Hittinger: Natural law and virtue: Theories at cross-purposes
Jeffrey Stout: Truth, natural law, and ethical theory
II: Natural Law and Legal Theory
Neil MacCormick Natural law and the separation of law and morals
John Finnis: Natural law and legal reasoning
Jeremy Waldron: The irrelevance of moral objectivity
Michael Moore: Law as a functional kind
III: Natural Law, Justice, and Rights
Hadley Arkes: That 'Nature herself has placed in our ears a power of judging': Some reflections on the 'Naturalism' of Cicero
Lloyd Weinreb: Natural law and rights
IV: Legal Formalism and Legal Rationality
Joseph Raz: Formalism and the rule of law
Ernest Weinrib: Why legal formalism