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Papacy and Law in the Gregorian Revolution: The Canonistic Work of Anselm of Lucca

ISBN13: 9780198207245
ISBN: 0198207247
Published: July 2000
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £177.50

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This work explores the role of canon law in the ecclesiastical reform movement of the 11th century, commonly known as the Gregorian Reform movement. Focusing on the "Collectio Canonum" of Bishop Anselm of Lucca, it is concerned with the symbiotic relationship between canon law and reform, and seeks to explore the ways in which Anselm's writing can be seen in the context of the reformer's need to devise and articulate strategies for the renovation of the Church and Christian society.

The book's principal contention is that Anselm's collection cannot be seen merely as a catalogue of canon law, but also functioned to articulate, define, and propagate reformist doctrine in a time of great social and religious upheaval.

Ecclesiastical Law
Part I: Papacy and Law on the Eve of the Gregorian Revolution.
Part II: A Canonist in the Age of Reform.
1: Anselm of Lucca: A Sainted Gregorian Bishop.
2: Anselm and his Canonical Sources.
3: Roman Primacy and the Legal Vindication of Reform.
4: Anselm and Coercion: A Legal Form of Persuasion.
Conclusion: A Canonist of Reform.

Series: Oxford Historical Monographs 

Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar 1680 - 1730 ISBN 9780198221555
Published May 1990
Oxford University Press