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Borders and Belonging: Toward a Fair, Realistic, and Sustainable Immigration Policy

ISBN13: 9780197743720
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £22.99

A uniquely broad and fair-minded guide to making immigration policy ethical.

Immigration is now a polarizing issue across most advanced democracies. But too much that is written about immigration fails to appreciate the complex responses to the phenomenon. Too many observers assume imaginary consensus, avoid basic questions, or disregard the larger context for human migration.

In Borders and Belonging, Hiroshi Motomura offers a complex and fair-minded account of immigration, its root causes, and the varying responses to it. Taking stock of the issue's complexity, while giving credence to the opinions of immigration critics, he tackles a series of important questions that, when answered, will move us closer to a more realistic and sustainable immigration policy. Motomura begins by affirming a basic concept—national borders—and asks when they might be ethical borders, fostering fairness but also responding realistically to migration patterns and to the political forces that migration generates. In a nation with ethical borders, who should be let in or kept out? How should people forced to migrate be treated? Should newcomers be admitted temporarily or permanently? How should those with lawful immigration status be treated? What is the best role for enforcement in immigration policy? To what extent does the arrival of newcomers hurt long-time residents? What are the "root causes" of immigration and how can we address them?

Realistic about the desire of most citizens for national borders, this book is an indispensable guide for moving toward ethical borders and better immigration policy.

Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law

Section A: Borders
Chapter 1: Why National Borders?
Chapter 2: When Are Borders Ethical?
Chapter 3: Can Nation-Centered Justice Make Borders Ethical?

Section B: Who Gets In?
Chapter 4: Who Should Get In?
Chapter 5: What About People Forced to Migrate?
Chapter 6: Do Newcomers Stay Temporarily or Indefinitely?

Section C: Immigration Outside the Law and Enforcement
Chapter 7: What About People Without Lawful Status?
Chapter 8: What Should Immigration Enforcement Do?

Section D: Delving Deeper
Chapter 9: What Are Ethical Responses to Immigration Anxiety?
Chapter 10: How Can Migration's Root Causes Be Addressed?
Conclusion: Moving Toward Ethical Borders
