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Public Law and Economics

ISBN13: 9780197655887
To be Published: November 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £32.99

This comprehensive textbook applies economic analysis to public law. The economic analysis of law has revolutionized legal scholarship and teaching in the last half-century, but it has focused mostly on private law, business law, and criminal law. This book extends the analysis to fundamental topics in public law, such as the separation of government powers, regulation by agencies, constitutional rights, and elections. Every public law involves six fundamental processes of government: bargaining, voting, entrenching, delegating, adjudicating, and enforcing. The book devotes two chapters to each process, beginning with the economic theory and then applying the theory to a wide range of puzzles and problems in law. Each chapter concentrates on cases and legal doctrine, showing the relevance of economics to the work of lawyers and judges. Featuring lucid, accessible writing and engaging examples, the book addresses enduring topics in public law as well as modern controversies, including gerrymandering, voter identification laws, and qualified immunity for police.

List of Boxes
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1. Introduction to Public Law and Economics
Chapter 2. Theory of Bargaining
Chapter 3. Bargaining Applications
Chapter 4. Theory of Voting
Chapter 5. Voting Applications
Chapter 6. Theory of Entrenchment
Chapter 7. Entrenchment Applications
Chapter 8. Theory of Delegation
Chapter 9. Delegation Applications
Chapter 10. Theory of Adjudication
Chapter 11. Adjudication Applications
Chapter 12. Theory of Enforcement
Chapter 13. Enforcement Applications