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The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Law (eBook)

Edited by: John Witte Jr., Rafael Domingo

ISBN13: 9780197606773
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £110.42
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This volume tells the story of the interaction between Christianity and law-historically and today, in the traditional heartlands of Christianity and around the globe. Sixty new chapters by leading scholars provide authoritative and accessible accounts of foundational Christian teachings on law and legal thought over the past two millennia; the current interaction and contestation of law and Christianity on all continents; how Christianity shaped and was shaped by core public, private, penal, and procedural laws; various old and new forms of Christian canon law, natural law theory, and religious freedom norms; Christian teachings on fundamental principles of law and legal order; and Christian contributions to controversial legal issues. Together, the chapters make clear that Christianity and law have had a perennial and permanent influence on each other over time and across cultures, albeit with varying levels of intensity and effectiveness.

This volume defines "Christianity" broadly to include Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox traditions and various denominations and schools of thought within them. It draws on Christian ideas and institutions, norms and practices, texts and titans to tell the story of Christianity's engagement with the world of law over the past two millennia. The volume also defines "law" broadly as the normative order of justice, power, and freedom. The chapters address natural laws of conscience, reason, and the Bible and positive laws enacted by states, churches, and voluntary associations. Several chapters focus on Christian engagement with specific types of law: canon law, family law, education law, constitutional law, criminal law, procedural law, and laws governing labor, tax, contracts, torts, property, and beyond. Other chapters take up cutting edge legal issues of racial justice, environmental care, migration, euthanasia, and (bio)technology as well as fundamental legal principles of liberty, dignity, equality, justice, equity, judgment, and solidarity.

eBooks, Law and Society
Preface and Acknowledgements
John Witte Jr. and Rafael Domingo, Emory University, USA
About the Contributors

Part I: Christianity and Law in Historical Perspective
1. Christianity, Law, and the Bible
Brent A. Strawn, Duke University, USA
2. Christianity and Roman Law
Maria Doerfler, Yale University, USA
3. Law and the Church Fathers
Josef Lössl, Cardiff University, UK
4. Christianity and Byzantine Law
David Wagschal, Ontario College of Art & Design University, Canada
5. Germanic Christianity and the Law
Mathias Schmoeckel, University of Bonn, Germany
6. Law in the Context of Medieval Scholasticism
Jean Porter, University of Notre Dame, USA
7. The Development of the Classical Canon Law
R. H. Helmholz, University of Chicago, USA
8. Christianity and Medieval Civil Law
Orazio Condorelli, University of Catania, Italy
9. Law and Orthodox Christianity after Byzantium
Paul Valliere, Butler University, USA
10. The Protestant Reformations and Law
John Witte Jr., Emory University, USA
11. Catholic Reform, Law, and the School of Salamanca
David Lantigua, University of Notre Dame, USA
12. The Church of England and Protestant Established Churches in Europe (1648-1800)
T. Jeremy Gunn, International University of Rabat, Morocco
13. Christianity and Law in the Early Americas
Tamar Herzog, Harvard University, USA
14. Christianity and Law in the Age of Enlightenment
Harold J. Berman and John Witte Jr., Emory University, USA
15. Christianity and Law in the Nineteenth Century
Mark D. Chapman, Oxford University, UK
16. Christianity and Law in the Twentieth Century
Russell Sandberg, Cardiff University, UK

Part II: The Global Interaction of Christianity and Law Today
17. Christianity and Law in Europe Today
Andrea Pin, University of Padua, Italy
18. Christianity and Law in North America Today
Nathan S. Chapman, University of Georgia, USA
19. Christianity and Law in Latin America Today
Cristián Villalonga, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile
20. Christianity and Law in Africa Today
Paulinus I. Odozor, University of Notre Dame, USA
21. Christianity and Law in the Middle East Today
Dörthe Engelcke, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg, Germany
22. Christianity and Law in the Post-Soviet Space and Eurasia Today
Alfons Brüning, Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands
23. Christianity and Law in Northeast Asia Today
Jonghyu Jeong, Chonnam National University, South Korea
24. Christianity and Law in Southeast Asia Today
Daniel PS Goh and Jaclyn L. Neo, National University of Singapore, Singapore
25. Christianity and Law in China Today
Zhibin Xie, Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong, China
Eric Wang, Emory University, USA

Part III: Christianity and Core Legal Subjects
26. Christianity and Constitutional Law
Nicholas Aroney, University of Queensland, Australia
27. Christianity and Procedural Law
Mathias Schmoeckel, University of Bonn, Germany
John Witte Jr., Emory University, USA
28. Christianity and Equity
Samuel L. Bray and Paul B. Miller, University of Notre Dame, USA
29. Christianity and Criminal Law
Heikki Pihlajamäki, University of Helsinki, Finland
30. Christianity and Contract Law
Paolo Astorri, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Wim Decock, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
31. Christianity and Family Law
Helen M. Alvaré, George Mason University, USA
32. Christianity and Property Law
Angela C. Carmella, Seton Hall University, USA
33. Christianity and Torts
Michael P. Moreland, Villanova University, USA
34. Christianity and the Law of Taxation
Allen Calhoun, Emory University, USA
35. Christianity and Labor Law
Thomas C. Kohler, Boston College, USA
36. Christianity and Economic Law
Daniel A. Crane, University of Michigan, USA
37. Christianity and Education Law
Charles L. Glenn, Boston University, USA
Jan De Groof, College of Europe, Belgium
38. Christianity and International Law
Neil Walker, Edinburgh University, UK

Part IV. Canon Law, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom
39. Catholic Canon Law
Judith Hahn, University of Bonn, Germany
40. Orthodox Canon Law
Vasile Mihai, Saints Peter and Paul Christian Orthodox Church, Boone, NC, USA
41. Protestant Church Laws
Norman Doe, Cardiff University, UK
42. Christianity and Natural Law and Natural Rights
Jennifer A. Herdt, Yale University, USA
43. Christianity and Human Rights Law
Mark Hill, QC, Inner Temple and University of Notre Dame London Law Program, UK
44. Christianity and the Law of Religious Freedom
Steven D. Smith, University of San Diego, USA
45. Christianity and Religious Freedom in the Asian Context
Thio Li-ann, National University of Singapore, Singapore
46. Christianity and the Law of Church-State Relations
Gerhard Robbers, University of Trier, Germany

Part V. Christianity and Emerging Areas of Law
47. Christianity, Law, and the Ecological Crisis
Massimiliano Montini, University of Siena, Italy
M. Christian Green, Emory University, USA
48. Christianity and Migration Law
Donald M. Kerwin, Jr., Center for Migrations Studies, New York City, USA
49. Christianity and Health Care Law
John Keown, Georgetown University, USA
50. Christianity and the Law of (Bio)technology
Ruth L. Okediji, Harvard University, USA
51. Christianity and Legal Ethics
Robert F. Cochran, Jr., University of Virginia, USA
52. Christianity and Racial Justice
Vincent Lloyd, Villanova University, USA
53. Christianity and Global Justice
Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College, USA

Part VI. Christianity and Enduring Legal Principles and Values
54. Christianity, Love, and Justice
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University, USA
55. Christianity and Human Dignity
Pamela Slotte, Åbo Akademi University and University of Helsinki, Finland
56. Christianity and Equality
Julian Rivers, University of Bristol, UK
57. Christianity and the Rule of Law
Simon Lee, Open University, UK
58. Christianity and Sovereignty
Nicholas Aroney, University of Queensland, Australia
59. Christianity and Judgment
David H. McIlroy, Queen Mary University of London, UK
60. Christianity, Law, and Solidarity
Rafael Domingo, Emory University, USA