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Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know

ISBN13: 9780197530320
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £12.99

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A concise, authoritative overview of a little-understood yet extremely important phenomenon in world politics: the use of economic sanctions by one country to punish another.

It's hard to browse the news without seeing reports of yet another imposition of sanctions by one country on another. The United States has sanctions against more than 30 countries. Russia has repeatedly imposed sanctions against former Soviet republics. China has developed its own approach, including targeting private entities such as the NBA. And it's not just major powers: Japan and South Korea have sanctioned each other over WWII and colonial legacies; Saudi Arabia against Qatar because of differences over Iran; and France, Germany, and Norway against Brazil over the Amazon forest and climate change. In Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know®, Bruce Jentleson—one of America's leading scholars on the subject—answers the fundamental questions about sanctions today: Why are they used so much? What are their varieties? What are the key factors affecting their success? Why have they become the tool of first resort for states engaged in international conflict? Jentleson demonstrates that examining sanctions is key to understanding international relations and explains how and why they will likely continue to bear on global politics.

Public International Law
Introduction: Puzzles Posed for IR Theory and Foreign Policy Strategy
Part One: Scholarly Debates and Challenges
Chapter 1: Economic Sanctions: What, Who, Why and How
Chapter 2: Sanctions Efficacy? Principal Propositions
Chapter 3: Methodological Dilemmas
Part Two: Major Sanctions Policy Cases
Chapter 4: Historical Perspective: Lessons from Past Sanctions Cases
Chapter 5: United States: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy Objectives and Other Key Factors
Chapter 6: China: Formal and Informal Sanctions
Chapter 7: Soviet Union/Russia: Energy Pipelines and Other Sanctions
Chapter 8: United Nations: Issues for Multilateral Sanctions
Chapter 9: Sanctions by Non-Major Powers: Similarities and Differences
Conclusion: Theorizing and Strategizing: Contributions of Policy Relevant Scholarship

Series: What Everyone Needs To Know

On Brexit ISBN 9780198799436
To be published March 2026
Oxford University Press
Universal Basic Income: What Everyone Needs to Know ISBN 9780197556221
Published December 2023
Oxford University Press USA
Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know ISBN 9780190610265
Published July 2022
Oxford University Press
Copyright: What Everyone Needs to Know ISBN 9780199941162
Published November 2018
Oxford University Press USA
Privacy: What Everyone Needs to Know ISBN 9780190612252
Published September 2017
Oxford University Press USA