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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
An Introduction to the Hong Kong Legal System 3rd ed isbn 9780195905779

An Introduction to the Hong Kong Legal System 2nd ed

Peter Wesley-SmithProfessor of Law and Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong

ISBN13: 9780195860009
ISBN: 0195860004
New Edition ISBN: 0195905776
Published: September 1995
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: paperback (C format)
Price: Out of print

Newly revised and updated, this concise introduction to the legal system of Hong Kong provides an overview of the source of the law, (including the mysteries of the common law) as well as its procedures, underlying principles, institutions, and personnel. The first edition of this book has proven indispensable to both students and members of the public desiring an accurate picture of Hong Kong law. This new edition is appropriate for students of Economics, Public Affairs, and civic education at the secondary-school level; university and polytechnic students in non-law disciplines; those taking Banking, Accountancy, Housing Management and other such courses for professional purposes; students of the law looking for a summary of the subject they are expected to study in greater detail; and general readers seeking a basic understanding of Hong Kong's legal system. The subject matter of this book is of great interest now, in the face of the momentous changes promised by the resumption of Chinese sovereignty over the territory on 1 July 1997.;The updated and expanded text in this new edition describes and explains developments since the publication of the first edition in 1987, and where appropriate, comments on the situation likely to prevail under the forthcoming Chinese Special Administrative Region's Basic Law.