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Competition Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780195562897
Previous Edition ISBN: 0195541758
Published: July 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Competition Law and Policy: Cases and Materials outlines and evaluates Australian competition law and its policy rationale. This fully revised third edition draws together a comprehensive collection of material, providing an excellent and up-to-date guide to Australian competition law and current proposals for change.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. The Evolution of Australian Competition Law
2. Restraint of Trade
3. Australian Competition Law in Outline
4. The Goals of Competition Law
5. Economic Concepts and Definitions
6. Cartel Conduct
7. Primary Boycotts
8. Anti-competitive Agreements
9. Misuse of Market Power and Below Cost Pricing
10. Exclusive Dealing
11. Resale Price Maintenance
12. Mergers
13. Authorisation and Notification
14. Public Enforcement by the ACCC and CDPP
15. Private Enforcement
16. Access to Declared Services