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Crime and Criminology: An Introduction 4th ed

Rob WhiteAssociate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Australia, Fiona Haines

ISBN13: 9780195551563
Previous Edition ISBN: 0195517326
Published: June 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Crime and Criminology analyses the causes of crime, while exploring the major theories and perspectives that attempt to explain criminal behaviour in our society. The fourth edition of this popular book provides an accessible and engaging introduction to all the major theories and approaches to crime, including classical theory, biological and psychological positivism, strain theory, labelling, Marxism, feminism, new right, left realism, republicanism and critical theory.

Jurisprudence, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
List of Charts
1. The Study of Crime
2. Classical Theory
3. Biological and Psychological Positivism
4. Strain Theory
5. Labelling Perspectives
6. Marxist Criminology
7. Feminist Perspectives
8. New Right Criminology
9. Left Realism
10. Republican Theory and Restorative Justice
11. Critical Criminology
12. Conclusion