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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Moral Rights of Authors and Artists: From the Birth of Copyright to the Age of Artificial Intelligence 2nd ed isbn 9780198791850

Moral Rights: Principles, Practice and New Technology

ISBN13: 9780195390315
New Edition ISBN: 9780198791850
Published: February 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The doctrine of moral rights is based on the idea that authors have a special bond with their own creative work. At present, the legal status of moral rights demands clarification and assessment as never before, as the international expansion of moral rights occurs in the new environment of digital technology. Just as the survival of copyright law depends on its capacity to adapt effectively to the new technological environment, a new approach to moral rights is also necessary.

Moral Rights: Principles Practice and New Technology is the first work to comprehensively address the role of moral rights in an environment of digital technology, identifying the challenges and confronting moral rights in a digital environment. The challenges are addressed in both practical and theoretical terms, and examples drawn from the legislation and practice of key jurisdictions around the world. Moral Rights concludes with a consideration of how the concept of moral rights can contribute to the re-shaping of copyright law in a digital context.