Counterfeiting and piracy were once limited to T-shirts and music sold on street corners. Today, copyright owners encounter infringers more often than customers. Counterfeit goods are sold via the Internet to consumers and wind their way through supply chains into everything from cell phones to weapons platforms. Rights owners suffer brand diminution and economic loss. Counterfeits threaten public health and safety, causing unscheduled maintenance, property damage, physical injury, and even death.
<>P> In Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: U.S. Perspective, career federal prosecutor Sherri Schornstein demystifies the criminal legal process by guiding readers through the federal prosecution maze. She offers detailed information about criminal enforcement, including the roles of government agencies and how private industry can develop case referrals. She also provides cross-industry interviews with former high-ranking government insiders, investigators, attorneys, academics, and brand protection professionals who share experiences concerning the enforcement challenge. This book will be a valuable addition to every industry sector and a resource for those in other countries seeking to understand how the U.S. criminal justice system addresses IP crime.