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Global E-Business Law & Taxation

Edited by: Ana D. Penn, Martha L Arias

ISBN13: 9780195367218
Published: May 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £215.00

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As electronic commerce has taken off around the world, countries have struggled to participate in the boom without sacrificing key tax revenue. In recent years, there has been a worldwide explosion in the regulation of e-business, particularly in the area of taxation. Global E-Business Law and Taxation offers expert insight and guidance for practitioners who are involved in e-business transactions.

The contributors of this publication, local tax practitioners with in-depth knowledge of their respective jurisdictions, share expert commentary and analysis with the reader. Global E-Business Law and Taxation compares and contracts e-business tax laws and regulations in North America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa; Latin America; Asia; Australia; and select offshore jurisdictions. Each of the regional sections includes an analysis of e-business taxation developments in major countries within the region.