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Winning the Patent Damages Case: A Litigator's Guide to Economic Models and Other Damage Strategies

ISBN13: 9780195366938
Published: December 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Winning the Patent Damages Case is a guide for patent litigators and in-house counsel who are either considering an action for patent infringement or who are facing the spectre of a lengthy, expensive litigation. Winning the Patent Damages Case provide readers with an analytical framework for determining the likely damages award in a patent case, which is critical to the decision of whether to settle the case and for how much.

It gives valuable information on to how to structure the patent case from the outset and assists accused infringers in how to prepare a "shadow" damages case that may result in a much more reasonable damages award in the event of a loss. Finally, the book provides practical suggestions on discovery how to select and work with a damages expert.