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Intellectual Property in Government Contracts: Protecting and Enforcing IP at the State and Federal Level

ISBN13: 9780195338560
New Edition ISBN: 9780199751112
Published: April 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book provides a unique comprehensive survey of U.S. federal intellectual property procurement laws as well as a detailed analysis of state procurement rules. Encompassing the concerns of the private and government sectors, this book is a groundbreaking, valuable resource for both sectors. It gives an extensive overview of U.S. federal and state procurement systems, and strategies for handling government misuse of private-sector IP rights.

The book is intended for an expanding audience of academics, government lawyers, in-house and outside private attorneys specializing in procurement law, and practitioners of international and intellectual property litigation.

  • Multifaceted investigation of U.S. federal and state level IP procurement practices, providing valuable advice to attorneys on both sides of intellectual property litigation in government contracts
  • Provides practical guidance to avoid pitfalls of government IP contracting, and remedies for government misuse of IP rights
  • Written in collaboration by three prominent intellectual property practitioners whose combined experience spans the private and government sectors