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Indigenous Peoples in International Law New ed

ISBN13: 9780195140453
ISBN: 0195140451
Published: February 2002
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780195173505
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780195086201

In this title, James Anaya explores the development and contours of international law as it concerns the world's indigenous peoples, culturally distinctive groups that are descended from the original inhabitants of lands now dominated by others. Anaya demonstrates that, while historical trends in international law largely facilitated the colonization of indigenous peoples and their lands, modern international law's human rights programme has been responsive to indigenous peoples' aspirations to survive as distinct communities in control of their own destinies. Over the last several years, the international system - particularly as embodied in the United Nations and other international institutions - has exhibited a renewed and increasingly heightened focus on the concerns of indigenous peoples. Anaya discusses the resulting generation of international treaty and customary norms, while linking the emergent norms with previously existing international human rights standards of general applicability.